Does your pool fencing meet the strict new Brisbane City Council safety standards?
Maintaining pool fences and safety barriers is one of the most important ways to reduce the risk of drowning for young children. As a pool owner you are responsible for maintaining your pool barriers, meeting Brisbane City Council pool fencing regulations and safety standards and fixing damaged fence panels immediately. Failure to comply with the new legislation can result in fines of up to $19437 (165 Penalty Units).
You can find out more information about your responsibilities on the Brisbane City Council web page
We can help with DIY pool fencing supplies and panels
After a pool safety inspection, your pool safety inspector may recommend the addition of additional fencing panels to meet minimum requirements
We can offer quick turn around service that can provide cut-to-size high-quality plexiglas panels to help meet any requirements set out under the legislation.
We use high-quality German plexiglas (acrylic panels) that are guaranteed to last at least 30 years in an outdoor setting (much more than other inferior brands)
Please phone 3726 0052 or contact us for more information.
*Please note that we cannot provide specific advice on pool safety regulations or requirements. We recommend you contact the Brisbane City Council or a licensed pool inspector if you require that kind of information*